Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Stuff XXXIII

Daddy's been sick with the flue for a while, so the postings have been pretty slim for a while. But, they're back now, with just a couple observations:

1. "Because I'm not listening?" : When Mommy tells Jillian that it's time for bed, this is her response. Since she doesn't like going to bed, she usually thinks that bedtime means she's being punished for doing something bad. Her other response has been "Because I'm being crabby?".

2. "When I was a little girl ..." : Jillian has turned into the a little storyteller. We already knew she was talkative, but when she gets going, she can spin some pretty good stories. This is how she sometimes starts her storytelling.

3. Crunches : Bridget is no longer satisfied to just lay around and look up at us. Now, she curls up her tummy muscles and tries to sit up all by herself so she can look around. It makes it a little more challenging to hold her, since she squirms around more trying to see stuff.

4. Pre-rolling : If we lay Bridget on her back, we've noticed that she's pulling her legs up more and arching her back. It's a bit of a pre-cursor to her soon-to-be rolling over.

5. "I think you're tired" : When it's Jillian's bedtime, she says this to us, hoping that we'll lay down next to her.

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