Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tough Lessons

If there's one thing that gets Jillian into trouble more than anything, it's being tired. As soon as nap or bedtime starts approaching, she starts getting out of control and doing things that she shouldn't. Yesterday afternoon, she was playing with Cousin Adam in his room. Adam came down the stairs and said that Jillian had popped him on the head. When Daddy quizzed her about it, she said "yes" to the popping (as she always does ... we've found that she doesn't lie about these things). So, Daddy put her in timeout. Jillian then began screaming at Daddy. Mommy said that she needed to go home and take a nap, since it was past that time and she wasn't being a nice girl. When we packed Jillian up to go, she cried out "I want to be a nice girl!", and she continued to yell that all the way home. It took a while for her to stop yelling that and settle down for nap time, but eventually she nodded off. When she woke up many hours later, she was ready to go back to play with Adam, and this time she did play nice.

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