Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

Christmas Day started at about 8:00 am for everyone. It actually started much earlier for Bridget and Mommy, due to the early morning feedings. But, we all were up together to check out what Santa had left.

When Jillian walked into the living room, she headed straight for the Christmas tree and looked at the plate and glass, and said "The cookies are all gone!". After that, she saw that there were presents in the stockings. She was very excited to find all kinds of her favorite things, including Dora and the princesses. Then, she opened up one of her presents and found a baby and a bottle, just like she had asked Santa. Yay!

Bridget was in her usual happy mood, and with Jillian helping to unwrap presents, she received a new playmat. This was great, since in just the last week, she had turned into a wild girl, rolling around and grabbing & hitting things. We put her on the mat and she went after it.

Next, we loaded up and headed over to the Scott and Cindy's, where we also met up with Jason, Dany, McKenna and Lindsey. It was another high-energy present-opening time, and Jillian left a lot of wrapping paper and bows in her wake. Once again, she received a ton of super gifts, and she was very excited to play with them, and to play with everyone there. Bridget managed to sleep her way through almost the entire time at the Stephenson's, though she did wake up in time for some photos at the end.

Finally, we ended up at Papa and Grannie's house, where we saw Uncle Dan and Aunt Robin, Cousins Ainsley and Tierney, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Julie, and Cousins Cale, Ty and Brock ... and Mocha, of course. Jillian got recruited to hand out the presents this year, with Aunt Robin's help, and she did a great job, saying "Here {name}, this is for you" every time, and then jumping and flapping her arms after handing them off. Bridget watched as Jillian opened many more presents. Then, it was time for some serious play time. After a good nap for Jillian in the afternoon, we finished the day off with some pizza.

We all had a great time with family and friends .... and we were all exhausted at the end and headed right for bed.

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