Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve

As mentioned in the previous post, the girls got all dressed up for Christmas Eve. The whole family (Daddy, Mommy, Jillian and Bridget) headed over to Uncle Clark and Auntie Greta's house for the party. We were met there by Cousins Adam and Meagan. Then, Grandpa Ken, Beverly, Auntie Sheryl and Auntie De, and Cousins Andy and Karlie showed up. The kids were more than ready, so they got right into the present-opening. In no time at all, everything was opened up. Jillian is now at the age that she can open presents up all by herself. And, she's pretty quick at it. She also helped to open up Bridget's presents. There were so many cool things, and the girls will be outfitted very nicely for the coming year.

The kids got a little time to play with their new stuff. We also tried to get a cousins photo, and most of them did pretty well ... Bridget is the one screaming. Then, we were off to Grace Lutheran Church for their Christmas Eve service. Bridget got pretty fussy, and had to be rocked to sleep out in the foyer. Jillian managed to do well in the pews, listening to the songs. When it came to the candle-lighting, she was very excited to hold a little candle (with Daddy's help). Her favorite part was blowing the candle out.

By the time the service was over, the girls were ready for bed. Jillian helped Daddy get a plate of cookies and a glass of milk ready for Santa. Then, she listened to "The Night Before Christmas" book before turning in for the night. Bridget was already sound asleep.

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