Thursday, December 23, 2010

New Stuff XXXV

Just in time for Christmas, here's what's going on with those little Woodruff girls:

1. Chipmunk : Jillian has gotten into a habit of storing food in her cheeks for long periods of time (say, about a 1/2-hour of so). We have to constantly remind her to chew / eat her food.

2. Half-roll : Bridget is oh-so-close to rolling onto her side, at least consistently. She can draw her feet up and turn most of the way over, but can't quite make it all the way. She's working hard at it, though.

3. "You can't go to the ball!" : We've been reading so much of the Cinderella book these days, that Jillian likes to play-act the parts in the story. Funny thing is, she likes to play the part of the mean step-sisters by telling Daddy that he has to stay home and do his chores, and that he can't go to the ball.

4. Tickle Spot : An easy way to get Bridget to laugh or smile is to tickle her. We found that she is ticklish around her neck, and she thinks that it's pretty funny.

5. Swiper the Fish : Jillian didn't come up with any different names for her new fish, so the fish's name is officially "Swiper". Amazingly, the fish is still alive.

6. Christmas List : Jillian has her own version of the family Christmas list. So, if you ask her what everyone wants for Christmas, she'll say that Mommy wants 2 breakable things, Daddy wants 2 shavers, and Bridget wants a binky.

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