Monday, March 7, 2011


It's another round of what's new with those two little munchkins:

1. Spicy Chicken Nuggets : Jillian's memory goes way back, and she still remembers when Wendy's accidently slipped a spicy chicken nugget into her kid's meal. If she has a choice of fast food to eat, she still avoids the chicken nuggets because of this, telling us that they're "spicy".

2. Naked Barbies : If you look in Jillian's room, you'll find that all of her Barbies are naked. For whatever reason, she always makes sure that they're clothes are off.

3. "Whoo, whoo" : That's Bridget-speak for "I want that", whatever it is. We've learned that when she makes this sound, she is wanting something (usually a toy that is on the floor).

4. Pulling Hair & Kisses : This is Bridget's way to show affection. First, if she's close enough, she'll grab our hair and pull herself close. Second, she'll slap on a big, open-mouth kiss on our face, which usually turns into her trying to suck on our nose.

5. Rice Cereal, continued : Whereas Jillian didn't particularly care for rice cereal, Bridget loves it, and can't get enough of it. We give her big portions, and it seems she's always wanting more. She's gotten good at eating and keeping it all in her mouth, though now the challenge is that she's so wiggly, it's hard to hit the target with the spoon. Also, she's started doing "razzies" with food in her mouth, which makes quite a mess.

6. The Lip Gloss Episode : Though she knows better, Jillian got into Mommy's make-up a few days ago and got out the lip gloss. She took it into her (carpeted) room and proceeded to smear it all over her lips. Mommy noticed that Jillian was quiet for too long, and sent Daddy to investigate. When Daddy found her, she gave him a big glossy smile; he also found traces of lip gloss smeared on the carpet. Mommy and Daddy quickly started the clean-up and managed to get most of it to disappear. All the while, Jillian was saying "I'm not a bad girl, I'm a nice girl."

7. Forgetful Daddy : Now that Daddy is unemployed and at home for a couple months, he has played Mr. Mom, and come up a bit short. When packing the kids' stuff for their visits to Grannie and Papa's house, he forgot Bridget's clothes on Monday, both Jillian and Bridget's clothes on Thursday, and Bridget's milk on Friday.

8. Slow Riser : Jillian used to pop out of bed pretty quick when she woke up. But now, she is a very slow riser, preferring to lay in bed for a while before getting up. We try to get her out of bed, but she tells us that she would rather lay there.

9. Full of Quotes : Listening to Jillian, we find her quoting lines out of either books or cartoons all the time.

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