Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Stuff XL

Extra-large new stuff from "the girls", as Mommy and Daddy like to call them these days ...

1. Riding on the Edge : Apparently riding on Jazzy has made Jillian a little more bold, because her rides on her rocking horse are taking her to the very edge of tipping over the top or back. Mommy is not too excited by this development.

2. Crib Sleeper : Last week, we moved Bridget out of the bassinett and into her crib in her own room. She's actually done really well in it. When she falls asleep in our arms and we lay her down in the crib, she doesn't even budge but instead curls up and keeps on sleeping. Her favorite position is on her side, with her head pushed up against the side rail.

3. Rice Cereal + Fruit : In an effort to help Bridget be a little more regular, we are adding fruit to her rice cereal. So far it's helped, and Bridget still loves to eat her solid food.

4. The Communion Episode : Jillian got a little out of control at church last Sunday. The whole family went up for communion, and when we were leaving the altar, Jillian said she could walk by herself without holding hands (big mistake!). She was doing fine until we got to our pew, and then she kept on walking ... to the back, to the other side, and to the front of the church. She got into a semi-crouching position, watching to see what Daddy would do. When Daddy walked towards her, she ran back up to the altar and stood by the Habedanks, jumping up and down. Daddy got to her, picked her up and took her out to the foyer for a little talk about appropriate behavior in church. Mommy could only shake her head while she held Bridget and watched the whole affair.

5. "Gimous" : Jillian tries to say "ginormous" (from the movie Elf), but it comes out like this.

6. Captain Underpants : Believe it or not, this is one of Jillian's favorite books. It was a hand-me-down from the Paul's. Daddy read the whole story to her one night, and now she loves to look at it herself.

7. Mad Razzies : So, instead of crying, Bridget lets us know that she's mad by making loud "razzies".

8. "Can we have Mary Jane?" : We get this a lot from Jillian. She thinks that Bridget needs a new friend, and the way to do that is by having another baby named Mary Jane.

9. "See my smiling face?" : Jillian got into big trouble at the grocery store, and Mommy was not happy. So, there was a lot of crying when they got home. Later, Jillian had calmed down and was pointing to her face and saying this to let us know that she felt better.

10. Shoulder Rides : This is Jillian's new favorite thing to do with Daddy. She likes to be way up high riding on his shoulders, touching things that are usually out of reach; and her favorite part is the fall onto the bed or couch at the end of the ride.

11. Pretty Nails : While at Papa Ken's house, Jillian got her finger and toe nails painted by Cousin Meagan. The polish is the kind that turns color when exposed to the sun. Jillian was so excited, and couldn't wait to show us.

12. Crawling Teaser : It didn't take more than a week of sitting up, and now Bridget is rocking way forward on her hands, trying to reach toys that are just out of reach. More to come soon ...

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