Friday, March 25, 2011

6-month Check-up

It was time for Bridget’s 6-month doctor appointment today. Daddy drove Jillian and Bridget down to Vancouver, and they both slept all the way. We met Mommy at the clinic, and shortly after, went in to our room. The nurse came in and measured Bridget, and we found that she weighed 17 lbs 3 oz, her length was 26 – ¾ inches, and her head circumference was 18 inches. The nurse also checked Bridget’s pulse and ears, and Jillian watched very intently. After the nurse left, Jillian started misbehaving, so Daddy had to take her out to the car, leaving Mommy with Bridget to finish the examination with Dr. Lagrand. Here’s Mommy’s account of it all:

Dr. Lagrand came in and immediately recognized me from working at the hospital. I also reminded her that she helped Dr. Chung deliver Bridget. She then recalled us talking about how close in age her son was to Bridget. Her son is just four months older. Dr. Lagrand will be finishing her residency in July. She is looking for a position as a practicing OBGYN/Family medicine doctor.

Dr. Lagrand thought Bridget was very cute and was amazed with all her hair. She said Bridget was a very healthy baby. Her height and weight were in the 75th percentile
(and her head size was off the charts!) Dr. Lagrand looked in her eyes, mouth, ears, and nose and said everything looked great. She was happy with her diet and encouraged us to continue to introduce new foods, one at a time. All in all it was a positive visit, until the shots! Bridget had three shots and one oral medicine. The nurse was quick about giving the shots, but as soon as I lifted her off the table she was a happy girl almost immediately. The nurse was impressed with her recovery time.

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