Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bouncing with Rielee

Since Rielee goes to all day kindergarten she doesn't get to come and play with Jillian as much as before, so today was a treat as Rielee was off for winter break. They had a great time on the new trampoline Jillian got for her birthday that has a safety handle and is big enough for both of them to jump at the same time. They did it together for awhile and then took turns, then did it together for quite awhile. Finally Rielee said she was really tired so they settled down and Rielee showed her new reading ability by reading several Bob books to Jillian. I thought that it would inspire Jillian to get going on her reading but not much luck today. Bribery didn't even work.

They got to go outside for awhile and Papa said they tried out every riding vehicle for about 30 seconds.

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