Friday, March 11, 2011

New Stuff XXXIX

Seems like some new stuff was just posted. But, those Woodruff girls just keep coming up with more new things:

1. "I have a big problem" : A common statement by our Sweetie-Pie.

2. "Can you rub my back for doing a good job?" : Apparently, Jillian likes our pats or rubs on the back whenever she's done good at something. Lately, she's been saying this during her puzzle-piecing activity.

3. Aggressive Eating : If Bridget is sitting in the high chair for feeding time, we have to watch out; she tends to "lunge" at the spoon when it gets close.

4. Morning Playtime : When Bridget wakes up in the morning, she likes to play and talk to herself in her bassinett, at least for a little while. This is a much nicer way to find her, than the screaming that she used to do.

5. "I still love you" : This is what Jillian says to us when she is going to bed for the night.

6. The New Hiding Place : So, if Jillian ever gets in trouble, or knows that she is about to get in trouble, she makes a bee-line for her room and hides under her new Dora bed (which has lots of hiding space underneath). When we find her there, she is always laying face down and trying to be motionless, though that's hard for her to do because she always does the "tensing up" thing.

7. "Foshy" : Huh? This is just one of many of Jillian's made-up words.

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