Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break Basketball

There will be lots of cousin time for Jillian and Bridget over Spring Break. Here Jillian is ready to dunk the basketball over Brock with a huge advantage thanks to Daddy. Then they would switch sides and defend the basket. Sometimes Jillian would think the target was the overhead light. There was mayhem and balls flying everywhere. Cale, Tierney, and Bridget would jeer on whoever had the ball. Bridget would think everything was hilarious.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Putting Bridget on the floor in a sitting-up position only leads to her trying to lean out and move to get to other toys. We always put a bunch of toys right in her lap to play with, but she manages to throw them just out of reach, and then she's leaning out on her arms to get close. At this point, she just ends up doing a belly-flop when she gets too far out.

Friday, March 25, 2011

6-month Check-up

It was time for Bridget’s 6-month doctor appointment today. Daddy drove Jillian and Bridget down to Vancouver, and they both slept all the way. We met Mommy at the clinic, and shortly after, went in to our room. The nurse came in and measured Bridget, and we found that she weighed 17 lbs 3 oz, her length was 26 – ¾ inches, and her head circumference was 18 inches. The nurse also checked Bridget’s pulse and ears, and Jillian watched very intently. After the nurse left, Jillian started misbehaving, so Daddy had to take her out to the car, leaving Mommy with Bridget to finish the examination with Dr. Lagrand. Here’s Mommy’s account of it all:

Dr. Lagrand came in and immediately recognized me from working at the hospital. I also reminded her that she helped Dr. Chung deliver Bridget. She then recalled us talking about how close in age her son was to Bridget. Her son is just four months older. Dr. Lagrand will be finishing her residency in July. She is looking for a position as a practicing OBGYN/Family medicine doctor.

Dr. Lagrand thought Bridget was very cute and was amazed with all her hair. She said Bridget was a very healthy baby. Her height and weight were in the 75th percentile
(and her head size was off the charts!) Dr. Lagrand looked in her eyes, mouth, ears, and nose and said everything looked great. She was happy with her diet and encouraged us to continue to introduce new foods, one at a time. All in all it was a positive visit, until the shots! Bridget had three shots and one oral medicine. The nurse was quick about giving the shots, but as soon as I lifted her off the table she was a happy girl almost immediately. The nurse was impressed with her recovery time.

Rope Swing Bravery

This is one of Jillian's favorite things to do outside this Spring. She always wants to be pushed higher and higher, but she hangs on tight. She will swing until her hands get tired and then she takes a break for awhile. Notice the colorful outfit. As soon as she gets to Grannie's she wants to get on the tutu dress and the sparkly headband. She loves the headbands because volleyball girls wear those when they play. She has to wear pants and a jacket outside which lead to some very unusual looking outfits.

No Bananas

I decided to add bananas to Bridget's cereal for the first time. Normally you can not spoon the cereal in her mouth fast enough. Big mistake-bananas. She took several bites and got slower and slower eating, then came the "razzies" with the mouth full. The next spoonful led to a major meltdown. She would not even look at the spoon. Later in the day I tried the plain bananas and that was not a good idea either. No meltdown but lots of bananas everywhere but in her mouth. Today it was back to plain cereal and the good eater returned. I will try applesauce the next time if I'm brave enough.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Stuff XL

Extra-large new stuff from "the girls", as Mommy and Daddy like to call them these days ...

1. Riding on the Edge : Apparently riding on Jazzy has made Jillian a little more bold, because her rides on her rocking horse are taking her to the very edge of tipping over the top or back. Mommy is not too excited by this development.

2. Crib Sleeper : Last week, we moved Bridget out of the bassinett and into her crib in her own room. She's actually done really well in it. When she falls asleep in our arms and we lay her down in the crib, she doesn't even budge but instead curls up and keeps on sleeping. Her favorite position is on her side, with her head pushed up against the side rail.

3. Rice Cereal + Fruit : In an effort to help Bridget be a little more regular, we are adding fruit to her rice cereal. So far it's helped, and Bridget still loves to eat her solid food.

4. The Communion Episode : Jillian got a little out of control at church last Sunday. The whole family went up for communion, and when we were leaving the altar, Jillian said she could walk by herself without holding hands (big mistake!). She was doing fine until we got to our pew, and then she kept on walking ... to the back, to the other side, and to the front of the church. She got into a semi-crouching position, watching to see what Daddy would do. When Daddy walked towards her, she ran back up to the altar and stood by the Habedanks, jumping up and down. Daddy got to her, picked her up and took her out to the foyer for a little talk about appropriate behavior in church. Mommy could only shake her head while she held Bridget and watched the whole affair.

5. "Gimous" : Jillian tries to say "ginormous" (from the movie Elf), but it comes out like this.

6. Captain Underpants : Believe it or not, this is one of Jillian's favorite books. It was a hand-me-down from the Paul's. Daddy read the whole story to her one night, and now she loves to look at it herself.

7. Mad Razzies : So, instead of crying, Bridget lets us know that she's mad by making loud "razzies".

8. "Can we have Mary Jane?" : We get this a lot from Jillian. She thinks that Bridget needs a new friend, and the way to do that is by having another baby named Mary Jane.

9. "See my smiling face?" : Jillian got into big trouble at the grocery store, and Mommy was not happy. So, there was a lot of crying when they got home. Later, Jillian had calmed down and was pointing to her face and saying this to let us know that she felt better.

10. Shoulder Rides : This is Jillian's new favorite thing to do with Daddy. She likes to be way up high riding on his shoulders, touching things that are usually out of reach; and her favorite part is the fall onto the bed or couch at the end of the ride.

11. Pretty Nails : While at Papa Ken's house, Jillian got her finger and toe nails painted by Cousin Meagan. The polish is the kind that turns color when exposed to the sun. Jillian was so excited, and couldn't wait to show us.

12. Crawling Teaser : It didn't take more than a week of sitting up, and now Bridget is rocking way forward on her hands, trying to reach toys that are just out of reach. More to come soon ...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fancy Hats

Ainsley is home on Spring Break and she came up to visit. Jillian corralled her to play so she proceeded to decorate Ainsley with a fancy hat and lots of ribbons and bows. Ainsley was very patient with it all. Then Ainsley asked Jillian if she'd like to have a fancy hat too. Jillian sat very patiently too for a long time-surprisingly, while Ainsley put bows and ribbons all over Jillian. Later they went into the bathroom to do hair decorations but I never got to see the results of those creations. They both have very long hair to work with. Bridget just sat there very interested in what was going on.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Dresses

Both Jillian and Bridget got all dressed up for church on Sunday. Jillian wore her favorite pink polka dot dress (that she tries to wear all the time at home), and Bridget wore her flowery dress that Jillian picked out for her.

Jillian is also sporting some nice scabs on her nose, after Tucker (also known as "wild dog") clobbered her in the face last week while she was playing outside.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Puzzlemaster

Jillian loves her puzzles! This photo shows her putting together her "God Puzzle", which is a big floor puzzle of Noah's Ark. It's 42 pieces, and she can pretty much do it all herself, though her challenge is always staying focused until it's finished. She got her start doing Grannie's puzzles, which are 24 pieces, and she got pretty fast at putting them together.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy 6 Months

Bridget turned 6-months-old today! As usual, she was a happy little girl for the photo, and she's so close to the point of being able to sit up without a spotter. She must be growing, too, because she drank 9 ounces of milk this morning.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3-year Check-up

Jillian's well-child 3-year check-up was today at SWMC. Mommy, Daddy and Bridget accompanied her. We found out that she now weighs 33 lbs, and stands 38 inches tall. In the examination room, Jillian sat very quietly while the nurse and Dr. Landchild checked her out. They used the otoscope for the ears and nose, and they checked her heartbeat and breathing with the stethoscope (some things Jillian had read about in one of her Dora books). Everything looked good. The doctor even gave Jillian a Curious George book to read and take home with her. Mommy asked about the small wart that Jillian had on the palm of her hand; the doctor said the best cure was duct tape!

The best part of the examination was finding out there were no shots! Unfortunately, the next round is next year. Until then, Jillian should have OK memories of going to the doctor's office.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Siting Solo (Almost)

Bridget has gotten a lot of practice at sitting up in the last couple weeks, usually with Mommy or Daddy holding her up or placing her between their legs. Plus, she's spending more and more time in her activity center, which is close to the same thing. Now, when we put her on the floor by herself, she's usually good for about 30 seconds to a minute before she loses focus and tumbles this way or that. She's taken a few tumbles on the carpeted areas, and cried a little bit ... but she's like her big sister -- she's pretty tough and shakes it off quickly. Most of her spills come because she wants a toy that's out of reach, so she just tilts in the direction and falls to the floor. She has been learning to catch herself with her arm, though.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dressing Up Fun

Ever since Jillian birthday she always wants something to wear with sparkles. I had a skirt that she likes with ladybugs but nothing sparkly for a top so she finds the swimming suit top that is like a tank to wear and it is very shimmery. She also wanted her hair up with a hair band and pretty clippies. Then she proceeds to dance all around. She is growing into a little girl too fast. Here is Papa in his favorite babysitting role. Whenever it is time for Bridget's nap he volunteers to do it. I wonder why.It was finally nice enough for Jillian to play in her new turtle sand box. Brock and Jillian played Pirates and looked for buried treasure. Water and sand is always a big hit with Jillian.

New Stuff XXXIX

Seems like some new stuff was just posted. But, those Woodruff girls just keep coming up with more new things:

1. "I have a big problem" : A common statement by our Sweetie-Pie.

2. "Can you rub my back for doing a good job?" : Apparently, Jillian likes our pats or rubs on the back whenever she's done good at something. Lately, she's been saying this during her puzzle-piecing activity.

3. Aggressive Eating : If Bridget is sitting in the high chair for feeding time, we have to watch out; she tends to "lunge" at the spoon when it gets close.

4. Morning Playtime : When Bridget wakes up in the morning, she likes to play and talk to herself in her bassinett, at least for a little while. This is a much nicer way to find her, than the screaming that she used to do.

5. "I still love you" : This is what Jillian says to us when she is going to bed for the night.

6. The New Hiding Place : So, if Jillian ever gets in trouble, or knows that she is about to get in trouble, she makes a bee-line for her room and hides under her new Dora bed (which has lots of hiding space underneath). When we find her there, she is always laying face down and trying to be motionless, though that's hard for her to do because she always does the "tensing up" thing.

7. "Foshy" : Huh? This is just one of many of Jillian's made-up words.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby Pteradactyl

Bridget likes to make this squealing noise that Mommy says sounds like a baby Pteradactyl. It can get pretty loud!

Happy Girl

Bridget loves her walker now and she usually goes backwards but today, as she wanted to get to the back door window, she went forward. At first she would sit in it for a maximum of 5-10 minutes but now she plays for quite awhile throwing all the toys over the edge or moving around as long as you're near enough to smile at her so she doesn't feel alone. She was miss congeniality today, so happy and smiling all the time. Bridget is getting to the easy stage of being able to entertain herself for awhile.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Spinner

A little more mobility for Bridget ... she can spin on her tummy. She has been using this technique to get a little closer to objects that are within her grasp. She did a little 180 degree turn tonight on Jillian's floor (since there are so many toys laying around).

Monday, March 7, 2011


It's another round of what's new with those two little munchkins:

1. Spicy Chicken Nuggets : Jillian's memory goes way back, and she still remembers when Wendy's accidently slipped a spicy chicken nugget into her kid's meal. If she has a choice of fast food to eat, she still avoids the chicken nuggets because of this, telling us that they're "spicy".

2. Naked Barbies : If you look in Jillian's room, you'll find that all of her Barbies are naked. For whatever reason, she always makes sure that they're clothes are off.

3. "Whoo, whoo" : That's Bridget-speak for "I want that", whatever it is. We've learned that when she makes this sound, she is wanting something (usually a toy that is on the floor).

4. Pulling Hair & Kisses : This is Bridget's way to show affection. First, if she's close enough, she'll grab our hair and pull herself close. Second, she'll slap on a big, open-mouth kiss on our face, which usually turns into her trying to suck on our nose.

5. Rice Cereal, continued : Whereas Jillian didn't particularly care for rice cereal, Bridget loves it, and can't get enough of it. We give her big portions, and it seems she's always wanting more. She's gotten good at eating and keeping it all in her mouth, though now the challenge is that she's so wiggly, it's hard to hit the target with the spoon. Also, she's started doing "razzies" with food in her mouth, which makes quite a mess.

6. The Lip Gloss Episode : Though she knows better, Jillian got into Mommy's make-up a few days ago and got out the lip gloss. She took it into her (carpeted) room and proceeded to smear it all over her lips. Mommy noticed that Jillian was quiet for too long, and sent Daddy to investigate. When Daddy found her, she gave him a big glossy smile; he also found traces of lip gloss smeared on the carpet. Mommy and Daddy quickly started the clean-up and managed to get most of it to disappear. All the while, Jillian was saying "I'm not a bad girl, I'm a nice girl."

7. Forgetful Daddy : Now that Daddy is unemployed and at home for a couple months, he has played Mr. Mom, and come up a bit short. When packing the kids' stuff for their visits to Grannie and Papa's house, he forgot Bridget's clothes on Monday, both Jillian and Bridget's clothes on Thursday, and Bridget's milk on Friday.

8. Slow Riser : Jillian used to pop out of bed pretty quick when she woke up. But now, she is a very slow riser, preferring to lay in bed for a while before getting up. We try to get her out of bed, but she tells us that she would rather lay there.

9. Full of Quotes : Listening to Jillian, we find her quoting lines out of either books or cartoons all the time.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sighting No. 59

In just the last week or so, Bridget has turned into a "wild girl". She tries to grab everything in sight, and she's very squirmy. Holding her has become a challenge, since we're never sure what's she's going to do next.

Flexible Girl

Bridget has been trying really hard for the past couple weeks to pull her feet to her mouth, and she finally did it. Now that she can do it, it's been a struggle on the changing table, since that's all she wants to do.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dressing Bridget

It wasn't enough that Jillian has lots of Barbie dolls to dress up. Last night, she grabbed one of her own pretty "skirts" and Bridget's little pink shoes (that Jillian thinks are like ballet slippers) and put them on Bridget. Despite how Bridget looks in this photo, she actually didn't mind the dress up time, even laughing at the silliness. Jillian is always telling us that Bridget will want to dress up and dance with her when she gets bigger.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bouncing with Rielee

Since Rielee goes to all day kindergarten she doesn't get to come and play with Jillian as much as before, so today was a treat as Rielee was off for winter break. They had a great time on the new trampoline Jillian got for her birthday that has a safety handle and is big enough for both of them to jump at the same time. They did it together for awhile and then took turns, then did it together for quite awhile. Finally Rielee said she was really tired so they settled down and Rielee showed her new reading ability by reading several Bob books to Jillian. I thought that it would inspire Jillian to get going on her reading but not much luck today. Bribery didn't even work.

They got to go outside for awhile and Papa said they tried out every riding vehicle for about 30 seconds.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Winter Squash

Bridget has liked the rice cereal ever since we started feeding it to her. She eats it right up, and is still wanting more after she's done. It's been a couple weeks of rice cereal, now, so Mommy got out something different ... winter squash. Bridget's first taste of it led to a concerned look, like this photo shows. She wasn't a big fan of the winter squash; we'll try sweet potatoes next time (Jillian's favorite when she was a baby).

Snow Bunny

Here's a photo of Jillian out in the snow, courtesy of Grannie Woodruff. This has been a decent year for snow. Jillian had several opportunities to get outside and play in the white stuff. Plus, she has some nice snow gear for it (her purple coat and brown pants).

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monkey See

This is what Daddy gets when he tries to take a photo of the girls together. Bridget was putting her fist in her mouth (which is typical) and Daddy would pull it out before taking a shot. Jillian decided that it would be pretty funny if she did the same thing. The rest of the photo shoot consisted of Daddy trying to get both of them to pull their hands out of their mouths ... as might be imagined, there were no good photos from this point on.