Monday, October 25, 2010

Wild Day

After breakfast of sausage and waffles, Jillian was excited to take her bath.  We start with the tub empty and let the water run as she fills up her play glass over and over or plays with the bath animals.  She starts off calling it her bath as it fills and then when it reaches the top it becomes her pool.  This was about a 40 minute bath (At least, I have that time to give the rest of the bathroom a good cleaning.)  When it's her pool size she likes to pretend to swim around.  It's still this fascination with all things water. 

And speaking of fascinated with water, soon after the bath I showed her the new boots to go with her umbrella and she immediately wanted to go outside.  (This was the first time she would consent to me taking a picture so like Rick says it is getting easier.)  The weather was so wild today that soon after we went out, the sky cleared and we got some sun.  So we explored all over making sure to stomp in each puddle.  One thing she usually does is want to save an animal like the Wonder Pets do.  Today, the Puma was in trouble and we had to go in to the trees to save it, but she got distracted and decided it was more fun to play hide and seek behind trees. 
The kids have early release for the next two weeks so they were all at the house and ready to eat and play and Jillian had a great time joining in all their silliness.  Sometimes they would even play hide and seek with her.  This picture shows them having Papa's smoothies and eating and eating.  Tierney's arm, Brock, Jillian, Cale (2 smoothies), and Ty are in the picture.  Cale couldn't sit since Brock knocked his juice all over the chair earlier. 

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