Friday, October 1, 2010

2-week Checkup

The whole family (Mommy, Daddy, Jillian and Bridget) made a trip to SWMC to see Dr. Wheelock for Bridget's 2-week checkup. It was kind of a challenge, because Jillian was all out-of-sorts, and whined most of the time. She probably still wasn't feeling good.

All of us went into the examination room when they called us back. Jillian was really looking forward to seeing the doctor again, so she could tell him about all of her owies. We got Bridget stipped down to her diaper, while Jillian sat patiently in a chair. When the nurse came in, Bridget got naked and weighed in at 8 lbs 14 oz. So, she gained nearly a pound since the last checkup.

Then, Dr. Wheelock came in and checked out Bridget using the stethoscope and otoscope, which Jillian had read about in a Dora book, so she watched very closely. Eventually, Jillian got bored and started squirming, so Daddy gave his cell phone to her to occupy her time. At the same time, Dr. Wheelock was asking questions about Bridget and typing them into his laptop. So, Jillian started asking us "how old is the baby?", and then writing in the cell phone with the stylus.

Dr. Wheelock said that everything looked good, and to come back in 2 weeks for the 1-month checkup.

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