Thursday, October 14, 2010

Good Humor Girl

  Since Jillian didn't have a nap yesterday, she fell asleep in her car seat when Heather brought her to Grannie's.  That was about 7:30 PM and she fell back asleep when they came in.  So I laid her on the couch until about 10:30, put her jammies on and she still didn't want to wake up. Then she slept in until 8:00 AM this morning and was in a wonderfully cheery mood.
      After breakfast we headed up to Dianne's to see the twins. Jillian had come out of the playroom carrying two dolls that the twins wanted so she was very nice and gave them to Ava and Harper.  But most of the time she was busy entertaining herself with all the unfamiliar toys. 
     After that she had fun playing outside while it was still nice, but sadly all the water toys are put away.  Somehow she still manages to get wet-this time at Robin and Dan's pond.  After lunch she went unprotestingly down for a nap and after two hours I decided to wake her up.  Brock, Ty, and their friend Mason were here, so she had a great time with them.  She learned how to use the Dora bouncing ball so Ty sprayed the driveway with water and Mason used the giant bubble wand to make really big bubbles that would land in the water and Jillian would hop around on her ball and pop them. 
      I didn't hear any whiny girl today until we took her home and she immediately began whining about something to Daddy.  It reminded Rick and I of how Julie's boys would be good all day, until Julie got there, and they went from good to whiny and demanding in minutes to get Mommy's attention.

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