Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Stuff XXXI

Both Jillian and Bridget are weighing in with a couple things this time around:

1. "Just for a couple minutes" : Jillian has started trying to negotiate with us, saying this whenever she wants to do something and when we reply that we can't do it right now. And she's relentless, letting us know that it will only take a couple minutes, so how can we resist?

2. Tongue Twister : If you watch Jillian, you'll notice that she can now "twist" that long tongue of hers into a spiral shape.

3. Early Smiles : There have been a couple instances lately where Bridget has flashed a little smile, usually when she's having some quality face-to-face time. When that happens, we can really see the dimple on her left cheek.

4. "Coo" : Bridget's first sounds, other than crying, has been a little bit of cooing.

5. "It's OK, Bridget" : When Jillian is sitting in her carseat in the backseat, and Bridget is next to her, crying and screaming, this is what Jillian will say to Bridget in trying to calm her down, since she doesn't like to hear her cry. She's heard Mommy and Daddy say this many times. Sometimes, Jillian will follow that up with "We're almost there."

6. Gym Runner : One of Jillian's favorite things about going to volleyball games is when they're over. That's when she gets to run wild on the court. At that time of night, she's usually delirious, anyways, so it's a good time for her to run it off before bedtime.

Note: Daddy typed nearly all of this with one hand while holding Bridget with the other hand. She's been a very restless sleeper today.

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