Saturday, October 30, 2010

Early Halloween

Mommy took Jillian and Bridget to the Fibre Federal Ops Center on Friday to do a little early trick-or-treating. Jillian got all dressed up in her pretty princess outfit, complete with a crown, slippers and "magic wand". Bridget wore her My First Haloween outfit. They met Uncle Clark and Cousin Adam, who was dressed up as a pit boss for Lightning McQueen. Uncle Clark did the heavy lifting, carrying Bridget around in her carseat, since she was asleep the entire time. Auntie Greta's floor was dressed up in the graveyard theme. Very scary! The kids trick-or-treated in all the cubicles, and they got lots and lots of candy! On the third floor, where the workers were dressed up as famous people from the past, they continued getting more candy. Everytime Jillian would get candy, she'd start shaking and yelling "Look, Mama, I got candy!!!"

When Jillian got home, she was so excited to show Daddy her candy, yelling "I got so much candy!!!" and shaking, of course. She pointed out each piece of candy, saying "look what I got!". Several times, she was so overwhelmed with excitement, that she gave Daddy big squeezes.

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