Saturday, December 8, 2012

Beach Trip

We headed to Ilwaco Thursday for the girls basketball game.  Rielee was there so they had a lot of fun playing.  Every toy managed to fall below the bleachers so they had fun running underneath to retrieve them.  Then it was on to the cabin in Ocean Park.  It was late, so after snacks the girls crashed.  They slept in a little and upon awakening it was on to playing with the toys.  First Jillian put together a puzzle.  Then Bridget did her best to put it together too.
It was funny because they played a lot with the trucks, scooping up the poker chips and moving them around.  Then they explored all over, going upstairs and making beds in the closet, and of course, jumping from bed to bed.  There are 4 twin beds lined up on one wall.  Just keeping up with their boy cousins who did that every time.
Jillian insisted that she did not like blueberry pancakes which are a tradition at the beach.  But I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast and she ate them and said they were good???
For lunch we went to the Full Circle Cafe.  They were both very good but Bridget wouldn't stop talking or singing and she has a loud voice.  Then when she had food it was much better.
After a long nap it was time to head to another basketball game-the boys game.  We stopped at McDonald's for dinner and they had a big play area.  Jillian was a little apprehensive at first, telling me to watch for her in the windows in case she couldn't find her way out.  She only went a little way at first but then got braver and went to the top and came down the long slide.
They were good at the game but no Rielee.  They again kept dropping toys and the JV boys would go under the bleachers and pick them up and I think they thought that was the game.  We took home some tired girls.

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