Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Parade

We picked up Jillian, since Bridget was napping, and headed for the Christmas Parade in Longview.  We saw Auna and Aunt Laury there so watched with them.  It was a little rainy so Auna held the umbrella for Jillian for awhile until they started throwing candy from the parade and Jillian moved closer to the action.  At first she was bringing the candy to me to put in my pocket.  Then a nice lady gave her a plastic sack to use, and she was thrilled whenever someone came along and dropped candy in her sack.  We watched for a long time before the Castle Rock float came by with the Castle Rock volleyball team on it.  It was a really long parade and finally Jillian said she was cold and wanted to go home.  That was fine because we couldn't even see the end of the parade down the street so she missed Santa.  She even got two stuffed animals and I think she wanted to take her loot home.  She was excited when she got home and saw that Mommy and Daddy had put up the Christmas tree, so she was eager to start decorating.

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