Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve

It was quite the wild night with all the Peterson cousins on Christmas Eve. We hosted the dinner at our house, and Mommy made a lot of great food. The kids all chowed down quickly so they could get back to playing. After everyone had their fill, we headed for the Christmas Eve service at Grace Lutheran. Jillian and Bridget made it a little while before getting too noisy, and then Daddy had to take them to the nursery ... they were followed close behind by Cousins Andy and Karlie. We did bring them back for the candle lighting, and Jillian was thrilled to have her own candle to hold.

We returned to our house for presents, and the kids were ready to go. It actually seemed a little more subdued compared to last year, but the kids still went through opening presents in record time. Bridget's first present was a Dora doll, and after opening it, we had a hard time getting her to stop playing with it so she could open her other presents. All of the cousins received new pajamas from Auntie Sheryl. This photo shows them posing together on the new sofa.

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