Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Day

It was a big day for the girls on Christmas Day. They were exhausted from playing with their cousins on Christmas Eve, so Mommy and Daddy had to wake up Jillian and Bridget from their sound sleep at 7:00 am. It took a while to rouse them, but they eventually staggered out to the tree. Jillian was thrilled to see the new presents, stuffed stockings and missing cookies and milk. Then, she got down to business, opening up a present for Santa and finding a Unicorn DreamLite ... she was beaming and didn't want to put it down. Bridget needed a little help from Mommy to open presents since she was still sleepy, but once she got the Little People Princess Castle, she was also very excited and wanted to play with it right away.

Our next stop was Cindy and Scott's house, for a Christmas Day celebration with the Stephenson and Paul families. Mommy and Daddy filled up on coffee with Bailey's Irish Creme and some breakfast food, while the girls played around with Lindsey and McKenna. During present opening, Jillian would end up getting a Leapster Explorer gamepad from Cindy and Scott that we would soon find out would become her obsession in the days to come ... it rarely left her hands.

The final stop was at Grannie and Papa Woodruff's house for the gathering with cousins Cale, Ty, Brock, Ainsley and Tierney. Jillian and Bridget did a pretty good of handing out presents to everyone, with Daddy helping with the names, though Bridget decided that tossing or dropping presents was good enough. While opening presents, Bridget noticed that Jillian was receiving a couple new babies (Baby Belle and Baby Tiana), at which point she completely lost it, wailing "I want a baby!!!" over and over, with plenty of tears to go along. She got over it eventually, after everyone had a good chuckle watching the drama.

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