Friday, August 24, 2012


Just the last couple of times Jillian has been able to nap with Sophie, instead of putting Sophie in the cage by her. It's great because I tell her she has to lie still so Sophie will stay asleep and in no time Jillian is asleep too.  Sophie likes to sleep right next to someone so even when I took the picture Sophie stayed asleep too.  By nap time they have worn each other out.  Jillian wants a bow on Sophie each time she comes.  I told Jillian I was going to take a picture of her and Sophie sleeping and she asked me if I could put it on Daddy's computer for her to see.

Since Papa was on a scooter trip all day, Ty filled in and went with me to watch Bridget and Jillian while I took pictures at volleyball.  He watched the girls almost all day as he is trying to earn extra school clothes money.  He is so good with them, playing games and entertaining them and they love that extra attention.  When they were riding their trikes and scooters, he was going in circles right with them.  He even was right on the spot to give them more tea for their tea party today.

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