Sunday, August 5, 2012

Backyard Activities

When it's nice outside, we like to have the girls play outside. Unfortunately, our backyard is by no means finished, so there's lots of dirt and other stuff to get into. The girls have their beach toy shovels and pails, and they spend most of their time digging and moving dirt and rocks from one spot to another. It gets to be a very dirty activity.

The photo of Jillian shows her working on her "cake". She adds little scoops of dirt from all over the backyard, and slowly stirs them in. This cake has been a long time in the making.

The photo of Bridget shows her scooping up rocks from the side path into a little bowl. We tell her that dumping the rocks into the lawn is a no-no, but she seems to forget this most of the time, so our lawn is pretty much full of gravel.

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