Friday, June 29, 2012

More Soccer

Today was Jillian's last day of soccer, and Daddy and Bridget got to watch her this time around. When we showed up, Jillian jumped right in, grabbing a soccer ball and kicking it. Then, when other kids showed up, she was busy trying to organize them into some kind of game. She also kept calling one of the girls "sister".

Once the coach got things started, Jillian did a pretty good job of listening (probably thanks to her time in pre-school). The first half-hour of simple drills went well. But, when the coach got the kids going on some more involved competition games, Sweetie-Pie tended to either check out, or play her own game. Oh well, it looked like she was still having fun. The soccer game at the end was mercifully short, since Jillian pretty much just wandered around, doing her own thing, whatever that was (see the video below). It was another instance in keeping with the long tradition of memorable soccer performances by the Woodruff kids, ranking up there with Tierney's blanket-carrying and Cale's leg-grabbing.

When it was all done, the coach gave her a certificate and a ribbon saying "Great Job", which we hung up in her room. Though she liked playing soccer, it's easy to see her heart is with ballet, since that's all she's wanted to talk about doing.


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