Friday, June 15, 2012

New Stuff LII

A few more new things to add, since Daddy's memory is not what it once was:

  1. "Say yes" : Bridget's typical reply to everything is "no", so Jillian gets around this by saying "Bridget, say yes" when she wants a different answer ... and of course, Bridget cooperates by saying "yes".
  2. Wild Girls! : This is another name for those Woodruff girls that Jillian likes use. For instance, when it's time to play with Daddy, Jillian will jump all over him and yell "the wild girls are here!", or if Daddy is just waking up in the morning, she'll yell "here comes the wild girls!" as she and Bridget jump on the bed, or she'll warn Daddy that "in the morning, the wild girls will jump on you!"
  3. Little Brown Rock : First we had the Big Brown Rock, and now the smaller version has shown up on the bathroom floor. We wonder where this Little Brown Rock came from, and what to do with it ... but not to worry, because after a few seconds, it just stands up and runs off on its own.
  4. Run, Run, Run : When Bridget gets tired, she starts running and yelling "run" over and over. She seems to have inherited this trait from those Johnson boys, the original runners.
  5. "Bridget turn" : Being the little sister, Bridget understands how to assert her rights, saying this when it's her turn.
  6. "Sleep tight" : If you say "night, night" to Bridget, she'll respond with this.
  7. "Hmmmmm" : Ask Bridget a question that she's not sure about the answer, and this is what you'll hear.
  8. The Train and Adam's Sleepover : Ever since we told Jillian about these upcoming events (the train ride to North Dakota and Adam's weekend sleepover), this is pretty much all we hear about. Jillian's sense of time is not quite there, because she thinks these things are supposed to happen tomorrow, for every day that goes by.
  9. Hallway Volleyball : The giant pink and green ball is Jillian's choice for a volleyball, and she and Daddy often play it in the hallway. Jillian is actually pretty good about her form when passing the ball, keeping her hands together and arms straight, though control is not too important to her - she'd rather see how far she can hit it.

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