Saturday, June 9, 2012

New Stuff LI

Just to keep things interesting, here's some new stuff from the girls:

  1. Hot, Cold, Warm:  When Bridget starts eating or drinking something, she tends to say it's "hot", even if it's just right. So, we say "no, it's not hot". To this, she'll respond "cold". So, we say "no, it's not cold". Finally, she'll respond with "warm".
  2. Joining Groups:  One of the social lessons that Daddy taught in student teaching was about how to join groups. Well, that's one lesson we won't have to teach Jillian. When we go to the park, Jillian immediately scopes out the situation, finding a kid or groups of kids, and then makes her move ... and before we know it, she has new best friends.
  3. "J i i i i i i l l l l l l l !!!":  If we ever call out for Jillian, Bridget will help us out, yelling out Jillian's name. Sometimes Bridget does it on her own when she wants to get Jillian's attention.
  4. Big Sis Clothes:  Bridget can't wait to get bigger, so she can wear Jillian's clothes; but that doesn't stop her right now, since she often tries to put them on herself. We've seen some pretty strange combinations.
  5. New Hamster:  No, we don't have one, but Jillian sure would like to buy one. She always talks about buying one when we go to Petco, usually saying that Mommy will get it for her.
  6. "Kissy":  This is Bridget's word for kiss, and she always wants lots of them before going to bed.
  7. "Robot":  This is a word that Bridget says a lot, but we have yet to figure out why.
  8. Monkey Bars:  We were told by Mrs. Elliott, Jillian's pre-school teacher, that Jillian was the first kid in her class to conquer the monkey bars at school, swinging all the way from one end to the other. Jillian was a very proud little girl!
  9. "See Attle":  A couple weekends ago, we told Jillian we were going to Seattle to watch a volleyball tournament. Jillian responded with "Who's Attle?"
  10. Bridget's ABC's:  Jillian has sung the ABC song enough times that Bridget has learned it. Bridget doesn't quite sing the whole thing, but so far it sounds like this: "A, B, C, D, E, F, G ... J, K ...Q, R ... T ... W, X, Y and Z, Now I see see see, Next time ..."
  11. Jillian's Numbers:  Jillian got lots of practice counting at school, so her numbers sound like this: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 100". We're not sure why she skips 16, or why there's no 20, but she loves to end with 100.
  12. Bridget's Numbers:  Right now, the only numbers Bridget knows is 2 and 5. It's not that she's counting or anything, but she likes to say them.
  13. Big Bad Wolf:  Jillian begs us to play this with her. The game consists of her and Bridget being the little pigs, and Mommy or Daddy playing the big bad wolf, and we go through the story. It ends with the little pigs squealing while the wolf chases them.
  14. Freeze Tag:  This is another game Jillian loves to play. Mommy or Daddy are it, while Jillian runs away. If we happen to tag Jillian, she "freezes" for just a second before running to find Bridget who touches her to "unfreeze" her.

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