Tuesday, July 3, 2012


It was the first sleepover in a long time and included Bridget.  Papa sat with Bridget to get her to sleep in her crib in the computer room.  Jillian got to sleep in Grannie's closet (walk in closet and sewing room).  At first she didn't settle down, so the next time I told her she would have to be quiet and not move around so Sophie could sleep with her.  Sophie likes to snuggle, so she snuggled right up next to Jillian and they fell asleep that way-until about 5 AM when Jillian woke up, so I put Sophie in her cage and laid down by Jillian and she went back to sleep right away.  Then they both slept in until about 8 AM.

After baths I called Rielee and she could come play, so it made it a perfect day.  Then Jillian got to go to Rielee's and play while Bridget took her nap.  All Jillian could talk about the last two days was her trip to North Dakota on the train.  They left this afternoon.
This ballet outfit was supposed to be for her ballet lessons in two weeks but she couldn't wait to wear it even though it was kind of cold today.  Of course she does this almost every time she comes-wants to wear a dress up outfit.

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