Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow Day

Jillian was so excited to look out the window this morning and see a blanket of white. There was about an inch or two on the ground, enough to play in. We told her that we would go out and play after she and Bridget got dressed, and after Mommy and Daddy had some coffee.

Some kids across the street were building a snowman, so Jillian wanted to do that, too. We put together a very small little snowman, and Jillian put the rocks on for the eyes and buttons, and Mommy plugged in the carrot nose. While that was taking place, Bridget was running all over the yard, trying to figure out what the white stuff was. Mommy had to chase her down many times.

We made a short walk down to the RAL fields with the girls to find more snow. Everyone took part in making a really big snowman ... we even gave Bridget a small snowball that she carried around for a while. Jillian helped with the rolling, and when it got too big, Mommy gave a hand.

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