Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rainy Days

This was last Friday.  Now that I let Bridget play with Play-Doh once, she wants to do it all the time, but the only safe place I could think of was in her high chair.  Mainly she likes to rip it up and put it in something.  Jillian saw her playing so she joined in and made an island (I had to make palm trees.) and Bridget would start destroying it.  Jillian was very patient with that as it was Bridget's Play-doh so she would build it again.
Sometimes something simple will entertain for a long time.  I flipped over the portable crib and covered it with a blanket so they could have a little house.  I opened the front for the picture but they liked it closed up with the blanket.  They pretend slept for awhile and then filled it with toys and books.  Sophie tried to join in the fun too. 

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