Thursday, January 5, 2012

Chilly Beach Trip

All of us took off for the Ocean Park beach house last weekend, to take a break and relax. Jillian and Bridget had other ideas, though, as they wanted to play, play, play. It was pretty cold and rainy and windy most of the time, so we didn't venture outside much. It was decent enough on Sunday morning to make a trip to the beach, first for coffee at the Full Circle Cafe, and then to the sand (definitely not the water this time around). Daddy dug out a small trench and made a mound, and the girls did the rest ... digging with their little shovels and just enjoying finally getting to play around in the sand. Even though Mommy and Daddy got chilled and needed to go back to the cabin, the girls probably would have stayed longer if they could have.

The rest of the beach trip was spent inside the cabin, with the girls playing with the toys there, reading the dozens of (new) books, and watching Redbox rentals and old VHS cartoons.

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