Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Stuff XLV

Late ... but better than never. Jillian and Bridget actually have been up to things:

1. "Milly Bedillaly" : Like a lot of things, Jillian makes up her own pronunciations. In this case, this is the new book that she got, Amelia Bedilia.

2. "Precious" and / or "Darling" : These are Jillian's latest adjectives that she uses frequently.

3. Pointing : This began many weeks ago, but Bridget started using her index finger to point at things. She likes it when we tell her what she's pointing at, or ask her "Is that ...?"

4. More Sign : Bridget learned this from Mommy a little while ago, and we saw her use it a couple times (she did it the same as her big sister ... pointing at her open hand). For whatever reason, though, she has stopped doing it, and won't do it when asked.

5. Hugs : Bridget is used to hugs, because her big sister is constantly giving her big ones. So, with all that experience, Bridget gave a little baby (8 months old) a big hug, too, and scared her to tears (mainly because it was like her big sister's hugs ... aggressive with lots of yelling). We'll be working on gentle hugs, now.

6. "Keylish" and "Mike Menadinga" : Though Daddy can't recall if this has been posted before, "Keylish" and "Mike Menadinga" are Jillian's made-up names. When Grannie got the new puppy for Jillian, she wanted to call her "Keylish". Daddy responded by saying that the puppy should be named "Mike Menadinga" (which got a lot of laughs out of Sweetie-Pie). This went back and forth for a while, before Jillian settled on the name "Sophie". But, Daddy still likes to kid her with the "Mike Menadinga" name.

7. Opening & Closing Doors : This is actually pretty recent -- Bridget enjoys opening and closing doors (mostly the interior doors).

8. Knock-knock Jokes : Jillian was telling knock-knock jokes to Cousins Tierney and Brock the other night. They went like this: "Knock-knock", (Who's there?), "Banana ... ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!" Jillian thought it was hilarious, but no-one else got it. We eventually figured out what she was doing when we saw a Backyardigan's episode that had this joke, although there was a lot more to it ... Jillian just wasn't telling the whole thing. But, she thought it was funny anyway.

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