Monday, August 1, 2011

Outside Play

 Bridget kept very busy during Jillian's nap by first playing in the water play area.  Of course she needed a change of clothes after that.  Next she would go to the sandbox and play with all the toys there.  She loved kicking her toes in the sand and throwing sand out of the sandbox.  These two areas were great entertainment.
It was pool day today.  We made the water pretty warm so when Jillian went in at first she treated it just like swimming lessons.  She would sit on the edge, put her hands over her head and say "beaver dive", and pretend swim to the other side of the pool.  She would climb out walk around to the other side and repeat that.  After awhile she practice pushing off from the side so she could do her back swimming.  Soon I had to get a swimming suit on Bridget too.  It didn't take her long to get wet and have a great time.  In this picture Jillian is trying to squirt water on Papa while he's taking the picture.

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