Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bridget's Growing Up Fast

It seems that as soon as Bridget started walking, she started doing a whole lot more things. Here's just a short list of some observations that we've made. There's probably more ...

1. Bridget has become much more vocal. Her volume has gone up, as well as how much she talks (or rather, yells). We think she has decided that to be heard in this house, with Jillian around, she has to be super-loud. So, if both of them are yelling, it is deafening.

2. She has become more expressive, and lets us know that she doesn't appreciate some of the things that we do (like take things away from her). Of course, she lets us know her displeasure by yelling (see no. 1 above).

3. She has gotten more aggressive, and is not afraid to use her new-found walking speed and her considerable strength to get what she wants. Usually, those things are Jillian's things, and Jillian is still faster and stronger, so Bridget tends to lose those battles.

4. She is trying to say words, specifically "ma-ma". This has typically come out while she's crying and walking over to Mommy.

5. WARNING! She is now opening up cabinet doors, especially those in the kitchen, to get to anything that's inside. We've pulled her away from them, and told her "no", more times than we can count. And Bridget just laughs and tries to get back to the cabinets.

6. She has started waving to people, either hello or good-bye. It's kind of big, wild wave of her arm, but it gets the point across.

7. She is pretty tough ... she takes quite a bit of rough-housing from Jillian (picking her up, dropping her, pulling her around) and doesn't cry much, until she gets frustrated with not being able to go where she wants.

8. She can give kisses, if asked. But watch out ... these are the big, wet, open-mouth type of kisses.

9. Crawling is mostly a thing of the past, as Bridget has figured out that walking is faster. This is especially true now, because she is very fast and speeding up every day.

10. She displays a bit of shyness around people she hasn't seen much, usually by hiding her face.

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