Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mariners Game

Jillian got to go to her first Mariners game this past weekend. She went with Daddy, his friend Steve, and Steve's son Sam. We went up early and had a chance to get into the ballpark when the gates opened up. The very first place we went was the Children's Playfield. Jillian got to run around and play with lots of other kids. She had been looking forward to this, because whenever we had talked about going to the baseball game, she was not too thrilled ... but she got very excited to hear about a playground at the stadium. After the Playfied, we went to our seats up in the 300 level, and stayed there for all of about 1 inning before Jillian got restless. So, off we went back to the Playfield. We split the rest of the game between the Playfield and walking around the concourse (we never returned to our seats). It was a good game, as the Mariners beat the Red Sox 5-4, and by the end, Jillian was delirious since it was 10 pm.

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