Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday

It was Jillian's 3rd Easter, and Bridget's first Easter this past Sunday. We woke Jillian up early at 7:00 am, and we she got to the family room, she saw that Easter eggs were hidden all over. She immediately started looking around, and found them all pretty quickly (since she had gotten lots of practice at Grannie and Papa's house).

Once we Bridget woke up, both of them got dressed up in their pretty dresses. Jillian chose her colorful "Dora" dress this time around. Then we went to church for the Easter service. Jillian did pretty good, making it about half-way before going to the nursery to play; Bridget was also good, watching everything going on. As soon as we got home, we put the girls to bed for naps so they'd be in a good mood in the afternoon. When they woke up, we took off for Castle Rock.

At Castle Rock, Jillian found Cousin Rielee right away, and they played together the whole time. When the rain stopped, all the kids went outside for the egg hunt. Cousin Emmy held Bridget, while Jillian and Rielee got to look for eggs in the small garden area behind the house. Jillian was very determined, and even when all the eggs were found in the garden, she still wasn't done ... so she ran up to the big kids' hunting spot to look for more eggs. She managed to find some coins and candy laying around to pick up. When she was all done, she took her Easter baskets inside the house and opened them up (see the next post).

Later, we went back outside for the raw egg toss. Jillian partnered up with Daddy, and got to make the first toss. She wound up and tossed the egg over-hand as far as she could, but it didn't quite make it and splattered on the driveway. While everyone else kept going, Jillian and Rielee practiced some more on the grass. The final event was the egg roll. Jillian chucked the hard-boiled egg on the lawn pretty far, close to Rielee's egg. They both got some prizes for their efforts. Back in the house, they kept playing, and after Rielee left, Jillian started getting tired and crabby. Bridget had enough naps, though, that she was in good humor.

We packed up the girls and headed for Papa Ken's house. Jillian and Bridget got to see Papa, Bev, Cousins Meagan and Adam, and Zach. They even got to see and pet Zach's bunny, who had hidden some eggs in the backyard. Jillian and Adam went hunting for eggs, and found them all in short order. Then, they went back inside and played until crabbiness set in again. By the time we all got home, the girls were ready for an early bed time.

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