Sunday, April 10, 2011

Beach Trip & First Tooth

We finally got down to the beach for the weekend, since there was a little bit of nice weather. Jillian had been asking about when we would go to the beach, or when we would go swimming, for a long time. So, we went late Friday night after Grannie's birthday party (in which she got sick ... poor Grannie). We didn't show up at Ocean Park until about 11:30 pm, but both girls slept all the way, and went right back to sleep after we arrived.

Unfortunately, Bridget was very crabby all night long, so Mommy and Daddy didn't get much sleep. Turns out, Bridget had her first tooth come in! We had known for about a week that her bottom 2 teeth were just about to break through, as her gums were very bumpy, and Bridget was crabbier than normal. Once a tooth came in, though, Bridget was a happy girl all day, and she was constantly rubbing the tooth with her tongue.

When we got up Saturday, there was some sun and the temperature was OK, so we headed immediately for the beach. We stopped at Full Circle Cafe for some hot chocolate and coffee, then threaded our way through all the clam diggers to get to the water. The wind made it pretty chilly, but Jillian still had a great time digging in the sand and building "castles", and playing in the water. Bridget stayed in the stroller and pretty much slept through the whole thing.

After returning to the cabin for some lunch, we took off for the Astoria pool. Jillian wore her flower swimsuit and new pink goggles, and even Bridget got to wear a swimsuit for her first time in a pool. Unfortunately, the little wading pool was closed, so we had to stay on the shallow ramp in the Activity Pool. But, Bridget loved sitting in the water and just watching all the activity going on around her. Jillian has gotten even more brave, and liked to walk out to some deep water up to her neck. Both of them had a great time, and Mommy and Daddy took turns with both of them, while the other could get some hot tub time.

Back at the beach cabin, it was relax time as we finished out the trip with some some movies and dinner, and a little better night's sleep. On Sunday, when it was time to go, Jillian cried, saying she wanted to stay at the beach house. We told her we would be back soon.

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