Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Stuff XXXII

It's a bunch of fun and cool things from our two favorite little munchkins:

1. The Negotiator : If Jillian wants something, or wants to do something, and we say "no", she immediately goes into negotiating mode. She responds with "No, no, no, I just want one more", or "No, no, no, just a couple more minutes", etc. And, she's very firm about it, not backing down.

2. Sleeping In : Thankfully, Bridget is sleeping more these days. We've seen her sleep time stretch out to 4 or 5 hours at a time, so Mommy is feeling much more rested.

3. Post-Halloween : Even though Halloween was a week ago, Jillian still remembers it very well, and talks about it all the time. She likes to talk about her princess costume, and saying "trick-or-treat", and she especially likes to ask for some candy from her candy bowl (mostly the suckers).

4. Silly Girl : Jillian's silliness comes out a lot, because she likes to try and make us laugh. Usually, she just ends up making herself laugh. Her silly things are to attach the words "in the world", "cheese" and "summer" to the end of songs and stories.

5. "Don't be sad ... be happy" : Daddy was telling Jillian not to do something, and Jillian responded with this.

6. The Looooong Bedtime Delays : Bedtime is not one of Jillian's favorite things, so she makes every effort to prolong the inevitable. Once she lays down, she immediately starts coming up reasons to get out of bed, including "I need a drink", "I have to go potty", "I need a tissue" (to blow her nose), "I'm hungry", and on and on.

7. "Stay Out!" : It's the privacy thing, again. Jillian yells this at us when she goes potty. Only after she's done will she let us into the bathroom.

8. Little Giggles : Bridget is not only smiling, but also breaking out with some little laughs.

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