Thursday, November 18, 2010

2-month Check-up

Briget turned 2 months old yesterday, which meant it was time for her 2-month checkup at the doctor. Mommy took Bridget down to SWMC in the afternoon, and had a very long wait. Eventually, they went in to see Dr. Reid, who we had met at the Family Birth Center when Bridget was born. The nurse did the measurement thing to find that Bridget weighed 12 lbs 2 oz and was 23 inches in length. We weren't surprised that she had grown so much, considering that our shoulders and backs were sore from carrying her. Dr. Reid checked her over, as well as checking her breathing, since she had a cold the past few days. Everything looked good.

The appointment ended with Bridget getting her shots: DTAP, Hep-B, Pertussis. She also got an oral vaccination (can't remember the name).

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