Saturday, May 5, 2012

New Stuff XLX

Together, Jillian and Bridget are able to come up with twice the new stuff!

  1. Battles Royale : Bridget knows how to push Jillian's buttons. Her typical method is to watch Jillian playing with something, and then when she looks the other way ... grab it and run! Jillian just about loses it, and the battle begins. That's not to say Bridget is always so stealthy; sometimes she just walks up and takes something from Jillian, which also ends up in a fight. Unless she gets hurt, Bridget seems to think it's pretty fun ... Jillian, not so much.
  2. Buy It : It's hard to take Jillian to the store without her wanting something and saying to just "buy it". When we respond that we don't have any money to buy it, she tells us to go to the bank.
  3. Bringing School Home : Jillian has learned a lot at her pre-school, and we find this out in things that she says to us. Lately, we've heard a lot of "That's one ...", meaning we're being bad and on our way to the count of three, which would mean the "Thinking Chair". Another one we've heard is "Raise your hand if ...", and then she'll call on us if we raise our hands. We just have to make sure not to wave our hands, or she'll remind us to have "quiet hands."
  4. "Draw" : Bridget has a large Dora coloring book that she loves to color with crayons. If someone's in her room, she'll yell at them "draw!", and then grab the book and crayon bag and expect us to sit on the floor and color with her. Part of the fun for her is throwing the crayons all over the room.
  5. "Read" : More and more, we hear this from Bridget, as she has her own little library of books in the play kitchen. Her taste in books is pretty much all over the place, with her current favorite being "Clifford's Easter".
  6. Everything's "Mine!" : Other than "No!", this is probably Bridget's favorite word. She especially likes to say it to Jillian, even if the thing that she's talking about is not really hers.
  7. Fun in the Dirt : Outdoor time with the girls usually means getting dirty. Our landscaping is pretty much in an unfinished state, so there's lots of dirt, which the girls love to dig in. When we go outside, they immediately retrieve their buckets and shovels, and bring them to the front of the house where there's dry dirt to scoop and spread all over the place.
  8. Petco : A trip to Petco with the girls has been a popular (and cheap) activity, so much so that we go there about once a week. They love to look in all the cages at the different animals, but by far their most favorite animals are the mice. Jillian likes to talk about buying a mouse someday (see No. 2 above). 
  9. "No way!" : If we ever say something to Jillian that she doesn't want to hear, she responds with this.
  10. Fun in the Car : This is currently the girls' most favorite activity. Daddy parks his car in the front driveway, and the girls love to climb in and just play around for quite a while. Usually, Jillian likes to pretend to drive, and Bridget is happy to crawl around. They know where most of the buttons and such are, so we'll often see the hazard lights on, or hear the horn.
  11. Poop Talk : That's one thing about having a big sister ... Bridget picks up on some of the silly talk that she hears from Jillian. So, we get to hear a lot of "poop-" this and "poop-" that from her.
  12. "Bad Da-da" : Bridget probably picked this up from Jillian, too. So, when Daddy does something that Bridget doesn't like, she'll say this.
  13. "Nothing ..." : Jillian is like any other kid going to school. As soon as we ask her what she did in school, she says this ... and that's it.
  14. "I have bad news ..." : A new sentence started by Jillian.
  15. The New Swim Suit : Here's a bonus entry, since a photo is included. We went to Costco, and since Jillian had outgrown her old swimsuits and summer was on the way, we picked up a new one. As soon as we got home, Jillian changed right into it, complete with flip-flops. Then, she and Bridget pretended to go swimming in Bridget's crib.

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