Monday, May 21, 2012

Beach Get-away

Mommy figured it was a good time to get away and relax for the weekend, so we headed for the beach. Due to the weather, it was kind of a tale of two trips: one sunny and one rainy.

Before getting to the beach on Saturday, we made a stop at the Astoria pool, where Jillian was so excited to get to wear her new monkey swimsuit. Mommy and Daddy were really happy that the activity pool was warmer than usual (while the wading pool was actually chilly?), so we stayed for a long time. Bridget is still fearless in the pool, walking out from the shallow end on her own until her mouth is just above the water line. Jillian did well, and only had one oopsie when she visited Daddy who was in the spa (which was hotter than usual), and slipped and fell in and went all the way under ... not a happy girl. After swimming, the girls were ready to eat, and they ended up eating practically the entire fish basket we got from The Bowpicker. We finished it off with ice cream at Custard King.

As soon as we got to the cabin, we went right for the beach, since it was sunny and warm, and very little wind. Jillian wanted to go right down to the water, so we spent the first part of our visit doing some wave jumping. Wow, the water was cold! Bridget did some wave-jumping, too (of course, she always has to do what big sister does), and for the most part thought it was fun ... until a bigger wave soaked her shorts. That was the end of that, so we headed for the warm sand to build sand mountains, followed by the dunes to roam around. The day ended with some pizza and Redbox rentals.

On Sunday, we woke up to rain and cold. No beach visit this time, though we did manage to get out for coffee at Adelaide's, and some fun and games at Fun Land. We also tried going into Marsh's Museum, but Bridget wanted to touch everything, so we made that a short visit. Most of our day was spent relaxing in the cabin, where Jillian and Bridget found lots of things to play with and lots of books to read. We ended this day with toasted cheese sandwiches, soup and more Redbox rentals.

Monday was a quick wake-up, clean-up and head home type of day.

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