Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tent Fun

Jillian and Bridget decided to put up the tent on the front deck which is great as it is self-enclosed.  They put pillows and blankets inside and Jillian pretended they were hamsters in a cage and tried to escape.  Even Sophie joined the merriment inside the tent.

They didn't have long enough naps before it was time to go to the softball game at CR.  Bridget fell asleep on the way so Papa watched the game from the car but Jillian was awake so got to play with the twins (She was great entertaining them.) and then Rielee came later so she had a fun time.  After the game Daddy put hot water in the cool pool so Jillian got some use out of her new swimsuit that she wore all day.  Bridget joined in the pool fun.  They were very tired girls at the end of the day.

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