Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Stuff XLIX

The newest, coolest, most awesome things that the girls are doing these days ...

1. Bride-To-Be : Jillian has often talked about getting married. Her biggest question is always who she is getting married to. She'll ask us this, and we won't have any good answers, so Jillian comes up with her own ideas. She has already talked about getting married to Adam, and we remind her that she can't marry her cousin. Then, she mentioned getting married to Uncle Dan, because "he's so silly".

2. Knock-Knock Jokes : Bridget has learned a lot from her big sister, and one of those things is how to tell knock-knock jokes (the silly Jillian-way). If you're lucky enough, you might hear Bridget say "knock, knock", and when you answer "who's there?", she'll respond "aaa-pl" (or something like that, meaning apple) and then laugh at her funny joke.

3. Sentence Starters : Jillian's vocabulary includes lots of interesting ways to begin her sentences, such as "to tell the truth", "actually", "you know ..." and many others that leave us wondering where she heard them.

4. Multi-Syllable Words : It didn't take long for Bridget to begin working multi-syllable words into her vocabulary. She attempts to repeat a lot of long words, but of those that are understandable, the most-often used one is "out-side", and recently she started saying "o-pen".

5. Stringing Words Together : Well, this just happened as of this writing. Jillian was snuggling with Mommy on the sofa, and Bridget came up to them and started crying. Mommy asked Bridget what was wrong, and Bridget said "Jill, down!" while pointing at the floor.

6. Independent Girl : Bridget is very much a do-it-herself girl. It's getting harder and harder to do things for her anymore (which means things take a lot longer to do). She's been wanting to feed herself for some time now, and rarely lets us help her. Now, she wants to dress herself, including pulling on her own pants. If we don't let her do it, we can count on a big screaming fit.

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