Monday, April 2, 2012

Bridget's Vocabulary

It's reached that time, when the number of words that Bridget speaks on her own has exploded! Here's the short list of words that Daddy could remember:
  • Baby : Any little kid, in real-life or in picture books. Bridget gets very excited at the same time.
  • Hold : When Bridget says this, she points at her hand. A lot of times, she says it when she sees a baby.
  • Up / Down : She's been saying these for awhile, but it's a lot more clear and demanding now.
  • Names such as Jill, Mama, Dada, Papa, Ty, Momo (Mocha) and So (Sophie)
  • Bath : One of Bridget's favorite activities.
  • Uh-oh : She says this whenever there's an oopsie or if something breaks.
  • Pretty : This is Bridget's word for her hair clips. She'll pull at her hair and ask us for a "pretty".
  • Hi / bye-bye : Everyone coming or going gets to hear this.
  • Sit : This is a command by Bridget, usually accompanied by her pointing at the floor.
  • Help : Bridget doesn't want help very often, but sometimes we get to hear this.
  • Hot : She knows that anything by the oven is "hot", and she lets us know.
  • Owie : The only "owies" she tells us about are the ones on her fingers.
  • Shoe : Bridget is already obsessed with her shoes, pulling them out of her closet and trying them on.
  • Nay-nay : This is her word for "naked", as in when she gets ready for a bath.
  • Nigh-nigh : We hear this when it gets dark, or when it's time to go to bed.

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