Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rice and Dump Trucks

Since Bridget was taking a long nap and Jillian couldn't go in the playroom, she found this bin of construction vehicles and wanted to play with them.  Since the sand was long gone out of the sandbox I wondered what to use....Came up with rice so I poured a couple of cups on the counter and she spent the longest time scooping and moving the rice all around.  Actually it was not messy at all and very little ended up on the floor.
     That was yesterday.  Today they got to play outside a lot.  I found Bridget just loves to run when she in wide open spaces.  We also visited Aunt Robin and Uncle Dan's pond where they can throw in rocks.  Bridget was all over that too.  They also spent a lot of time putting dried leaves in the fire pit to get ready for the next fire.

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