Sunday, October 30, 2011


The girls were staying overnight while Rick and Heather went out for their 5th Anniversary.  We took them first to see the haunted yard on 16th Ave and Jillian got out with Papa to walk around since Bridget had fallen asleep.  Jillian wasn't frightened.  In fact, she thought it was all pretty neat.  When we got home she got her evening treat of not just ice cream but ice cream piled high with whip cream.  Jillian's plan was to sleep in Bridget's portable crib with Sophie which I thought was a clever idea so Sophie couldn't run around.  About 5 minutes into that plan Jillian came out and announced that she had put Sophie in her kennel.  Obviously, Sophie wasn't settling down or maybe it was Jillian because Sophie is usually out for the night by that time.
Today I heard Bridget yelling in the living room so went to see what the problem was.  There was a beetle crawling toward her and she was frozen in that spot pointing at the beetle as it got closer and closer.  I worked to convince her that it was harmless and touched it, so pretty soon she touched it too.  Then she got down and was OK.

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