Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Stuff XLVI

The October 2011 version of the New Stuff:

1. Straw Drinker : Without even thinking about it, we gave Bridget a cup of water with a straw in it, and she immediately started sipping it right up. That didn't take long to figure out ...

2. The Screamer : Bridget must feel like screaming is the way to be heard (above her big sister), because her volume has gone up and up. Sometimes at the dinner table, it's a big scream-fest.

3. Milk Drinker : Daddy failed to mention this a couple weeks ago, but Bridget has made the transition from formula to whole milk. There wasn't much of a transition ... when we gave a bottle of milk to her just before her 1st birthday, she drank the entire thing without batting an eye. That was easy ...

4. Long Hair Girl : Pretty much the first thing people notice about Bridget (other than her smiley face) is her really long hair, which tends to just hang down in front of her eyes most of the time. We're thinking that those cute curls are temporary, so we have yet to ever cut her hair.

5. "I'm texting" : Jillian has this little blue toy that looks like a phone. She wanted to take it to bed with her, but when Daddy objected, she said "But Dad, I'm texting".

6. The Little Chef : Mommy gets lots of help from Jillian in the kitchen. Jillian is always asking if she can help out, and she can get up high enough with help from her stool. Her favorite thing to help with is the chocolate chip cookies.

7. "I can't talk to you right now" : This is a once-in-a-while response from Jillian, typically when she's busy doing something.

8. Baby Memories : Seeing Bridget do a lot of things, Jillian has a lot of questions about what she was like when she was a baby. She'll ask us "Did I ___ when I was a baby?", and when we tell her what she used to do, she laughs.

9. Talking on the Phone : Just like her big sister, Bridget loves to pick up real and play phones, hold them up to her ear, and pretend to talk.

10. The Sick House : This also didn't get mentioned, but almost the entire month of September saw our entire household laid low by colds, or something like it. It was a pretty miserable time, and there was a severe lack of sleep. It was probably the sickest that Bridget's ever been, and it lasted the longest for her.

11. Big People Food : Bridget seems convinced that any food that we eat, she should also be eating. So, she'll run right up to us, and start yelling at us to have a bite. We have yet to find anything she doesn't like. Her first favorite was a banana, but now if she sees her big sister eating Cheerios in milk, she comes running ... she could eat those all day. Oh, and she likes ice cream, too.

12. Lotsa Sounds : Bridget is working on talking, and she has in her repertoire "ma-ma-ma", "da-da-da", "na-na-na", and so on.

13. The Stomper : When Bridget gets really excited about something, she has a tendency to stomp her right foot.

14. Stryder : All of a sudden, Jillian is lifting up her feet when riding her little Stryder gliding bike, so she's starting to figure out how to balance and steer.

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