Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bridget-Outside Girl

     Bridget got to spend a lot of time outdoors today while Jillian was napping since Bridget already had a long morning nap.  When someone went out, she was at the door yelling to go out also.  She'd run to get her shoes and jacket on.  She walked all around the many driveways and spend time picking up rocks from one side of the driveway and throwing them over the bank on the other side.  She sets her own course of direction so sometimes I have to pack her where she should go.  She ended up at the apple tree demanding an apple as I will always pick her one.  She gnaws on it for quite awhile and then throws a mini-fit when she drops it and I throw it away.  She came in for awhile to eat and then was outside again, this time kicking a ball around the driveway.  Surprising how good she can control the ball. 
     When Jillian was outside before her nap her main interest was in riding her bike.  It's surprising how fast she can go now and raise both feet off the ground and coast.

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