Monday, January 31, 2011

New Stuff XXXVII

This is the kind-of-new stuff over the past few weeks, all compiled together. Jillian and Bridget have been busy little girls, and Daddy just can't keep up:

1. "Boring" : Whenever Jillian talks about when someone was "born", it comes out "boring". So, for example, she'll say "When I was boring ..."

2. Rolling, Part II : Bridget can now roll both ways equally well. Which means that she can get stuck both ways equally well.

3. Long Weekday Nights Without Mommy : Now that Mommy is back to work on Monday and Tuesday nights, the girls are having to learn how to deal with her being gone on those nights. It's been a tough learning experience for them and Daddy. Early on, those nights end up being very late, and there was lots of crying involved. Lately, though, they've settled into more of a routine, and are getting to bed a little earlier with a lot less crying.

4. Staying Dry : We bought a sleeping pad for Jillian so that she could start practicing sleeping with panties on. She's done really well during nap times, since those are only 2 hours or so. It's been hit and miss with the night time. We've had to work at limiting her water intake right before bed, and making sure she goes potty before laying down (which she really fights). The couple times that she's "stayed dry" through the night, though, we've celebrated with her, and she's pretty proud of herself for doing it. Anymore, she only wants to sleep in panties.

5. Formula : Bridget keeps eating more and more, and with Mommy working, it's been getting harder to keep up. So, we are starting to supplement with formula. Bridget actually doesn't mind it at all, as long as her tummy is full.

6. Rice Cereal : Bridget has also taken a couple shots at eating rice cereal. Grannie introduced it, and Bridget started to understand it the second time around. When Daddy gave her some, it took a while before it started going down; then, she must have realized what was going on ("This isn't Mommy's milk!!!") because she started screaming. Oh, well.

7. Razzies : It's Bridget's newest trick ... making the "razzy" sound with her lips. Of course, it's a big mess everywhere.

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