Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Back to Work

It was a very sad day for Mommy. Today, Mommy went back to work after 4 months on maternity leave. She had enjoyed every minute of her time off, spending all of it with Bridget and Jillian. She knew this day was coming, though. She spent the day getting everything ready to take the girls to Grandpa Ken's house for the afternoon, including getting Bridget's milk ready. Staying busy helped to keep her mind occupied for a while, but it still ended up being a sad good-bye and drive to work.

The girls did pretty good at Grandpa's house. When Daddy took them home, they had a little something to eat, and Bridget sacked out in her bassinett. Mommy called during her dinner break, and when she talked to Jillian on the phone, Jillian said "I want you to come home, Mommy". Looks like we've got a little transition time ahead of us.

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