Saturday, November 17, 2012

Little Turkeys

After their naps Jillian and Bridget made these hand print turkeys.  Thank goodness Rick was there to help with Bridget as they would do one color with their hand and then need to wash their hand, which Jillian could do on her own but Bridget needed help.  They were happy with their turkeys.

These little turkeys are getting wiser every day.  Just recently they have figured out how to delay their naps.  Usually right after lunch it's nap time but Jillian will ask if they can play for 5 more minutes.  Then they go to the dollhouse and play together like little angels, no arguing or fighting, just two sweet girls playing so nice.  Since they are being so-o-o good I hate to break it up so consequently they get to stay up longer.  They did the same thing the other day when it was time for bed at night.  Maybe Grannie is getting soft?

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