Sunday, November 11, 2012

Jillian Artwork and Writing

Jillian has suddenly become very focused on both drawing and writing. She has been working very hard at both, and doing pretty well.

The artwork she made all by herself is of a rainbow, with flowers and grass, and some writing down in the lower left (the wiggly lines are Jillian's version of story-writing). Jillian has been asking us often about the correct order of the colors of the rainbow, and it looks like she was listening. This piece of art was given to Mommy as a gift.

The writing is of the word "HAT". Jillian first sounded out the letters in hat, and confirmed with us whether she was right. Then she wrote the word out herself. The order isn't quite right, but she knows that she needs those letters to spell the word. She wrote many of these small notes for different people. The next day, she wrote the word "HAT" for Grannie, so now Grannie is thinking that it's about time for some reading lessons.

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